Cardiff Blavatsky Archive

Theosophical Society, Cardiff Lodge, 206 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 – 1DL


Miscellaneous Letters (Part 1)


H P Blavatsky


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and other miscellaneous letters transcribed, compiled,

with an introduction  


A. Trevor Barker


Section 4 Page 265 - 303




I.—Countess Wachimeiste,

LETTERS No. CXXI-CLIV. . .   265/303

A Scandalous Statement. . .   267

Trials and Difficulties . . . .  269

The Sancharacharya and the T.S. . . .   271

A Chela’s Thanks . . .  273

The “ Russian Spy” Calumny. . .   275

Perfection is to be found Nowhere. . .   277

Babaji’s Frenzy . . .    279

Criminal Charges . . .   281

Babaji and Hatha Yog . . .   283

H. P. B.’s Enemies . . . .   285

H. P. B.’s Second Marriage . . .  287

Continuous Persecutions . . .   289

Professor Selin makes Mischief . . .  291

H. P. B.’s Indiscretions . . .   293

H. P. B. must not be left alone. . . .  295

Personal Feelings must go . . .  297

The Cause of Walter Gebhard’s Death. . .  299

Foolish Credulity. . .   301

The T.S. throwing off its Linga Sarira . . .  303


—•— 265    I. —COUNTESS  WACHTMEISTER   —•—






              13th December.


Yesterday evening a loud rap was suddenly heard and Jual Kool was with us. He

signified his intention of writing through my hand. I saw him close to me

indistinctly, felt the influence, heard the few words he said to me, and wrote

the following: --


Let Mohini be saved at all costs, write to Sinnett this, a conspiracy is being

formed to over-throw the Society and disgrace Mohini. No delay, but act

promptly, form your Committee quickly, get all possible evidence together, and

find out all you can about Miss L.’s antecedents.

J. K. told me that you have a very difficult task before youNow I will tell you plainly what I think in this affair. I believe that Miss L. has been a paid agent from the first to endeavour through Mohini’s disgrace to harm the T.S. I believe that the Doctor was taken to Madame De M. simply to psychologise her, in which he succeeded, and that she is now unknowingly under his influence.

If a good Roman Catholic could offer Madame 25,000 fcs. down simply to omit the name of Christ in her S.D. believe me they can do a great deal more. They are fighting for life, for the S.D. has that which will give them their death blow,

they may be a long time in expiring, but they surely will in time. The S.D.

contains a translation of the Secret Book.

The public at present will have but a faint idea of its real meaning, but as

years roll by—it will penetrate deeper into the hearts of men and then the death

knell will be sounded.

Will you kindly try and get me a copy of Hargrave Jennings’ Phallicism? I want

Madame to see some passages in it. George Redway has it, but he asks 30/-. It

was published at £1. Do try and get it for me as cheaply as you can, and send it

as soon





as possible. Will you beg Mohini to write out the esoteric meaning of some of

Shakespeare’s plays. Madame wants it for the S.D. and will put it in Mohini’s

name. I am sorry to trouble you so much.


                                                  Yours truly,


                                                                C. W.





                       16th December.


Madame is so miserable at the thought of the enclosed slander that it will most

probably shut India on her, that I have been thinking that as a slander it

should be refuted for you see, indirectly it concerns us all. I give you the

following my own idea and leave it to your own superior judgment to act on it or

not as you think best. I think the Editor of Vanity Fair would at once insert

the article if threatened with Law, for Editors are rather chary of inserting

libels; Modern Society had to pay £1,000 -- for that little game not long ago.

Now this is my idea, do with it what you please. Madame Blavatsky has read with astonishment in Vanity Fair the following, “that carefully worded proclamations calling upon the people in India to rise and claim their political rights were being distributed (under her auspices) together with other documents of a less compromising nature.” Madame calls this a gross libel, and calls upon the Editor to prove it by sending to her one of these proclamations, and also she desires him to give to her the name of the person from whom he received such a slander. Madame says that the Editor must at once insert the following refutation, or she will have him taken up for libel.

“Madame Blavatsky denies absolutely having in any way used her influence among the People of India to induce them to rise and proclaim their political rights; she denies absolutely having distributed any worded documents to that effect and she also denies having meddled with Politics in any way whatsoever during her sojourn in India. On her return to India in autumn, 1884, she was accompanied by one English lady and two English gentlemen, and as she was sick and ill the whole time they never left her side so that they are witnesses to the truth of what she says.”

I feel that this step ought really to be taken. We are getting into such a

tangle of troubles on all sides—that where we can protest with truth we should

do so. And Madame swears the truth of what is written here. I am so sorry to

trouble you again,



—•— 267    A  SCANDALOUS  STATEMENT   —•—


it seems to me that I am always troubling you, but you are a man whereas I am

only a helpless woman.

My love to Mrs. Sinnett.

            Much from Madame to you both.

                                                            Yours sincerely,




I enclose the slip, but please return it and let me know in your next letter

whether you will take this matter into your hands. Madame says that however much they may slander her she has only contempt for the same, but that this is too serious an affair to let pass, as it closes India upon her.

Cutting and Extract front the “Times of India.”

Vanity Fair publishes the following cock and bull story, which will doubtless

amuse Mr. Hume, General Morgan, and other “amiable enthusiasts” who dabble in Theosophy: -- Strange rumours of Russian intrigue and political propaganda under the guise of religious research reach me from India. The High Priestess of

Esoteric Buddhism, who left England last autumn on a pilgrimage to the shrine of the new faith, was followed, so I hear, by a person charged to watch that lady’s movements. The result has been a discovery that carefully worded proclamations, calling upon the people of India to rise and claim their political rights, were being distributed, together with other documents of a less compromising nature.

There is, I believe, no direct evidence of any communication between Moscow and Tibet, but it was a matter of common notoriety that intimate relations subsisted between Madame Novikoff and Madame Blavatsky during their stay in London last year.





                         28th December.


Madame begs me to write and thank you for your kind letter which she was

delighted to get and hopes you will kindly send her as many stamps as you

possibly can. It is a real pleasure to her to receive them and is always most

eager to know how many there are, she is as careful of them as if they were

precious stones. In a letter to Miss A. I have told her all about Madame.

A letter came yesterday from Lady Caithness, kind, warm and loving, it did the

Old Lady’s heart good and gave it a little cheerful spark of warmth for a few

minutes. You will be amused to hear that Lady C. was enchanted with Mr.

Sinnett’s paper on “the higher life” particularly as it was Marie Stuart who

inspired him





to write it. Fancy Mr. Sinnett becoming a medium!!! I heard in a round about way the other day (not through Theosophists) that Lady Caithness had been holding seances in Nice, and that the King of Spain came to her and said that he was very happy now, because where he now is there are no women; I wonder whether he was as tormented with them as Mohini is. No news to give you, the days glide away very smoothly and Madame says the S.D. goes on wheels.

Madame would be very glad if Mr. Sinnett would kindly begin to make enquiries

about publication, etc., with prices, she would like the pamphlet to be about

the size of the Platonist, different from ordinary magazines—there will be two

chapters each month every chapter containing about 90 of her written sheets. She wishes the type to be a large and distinct one. Madame hopes shortly to send the Preface with 1st Chapter to Mr. Sinnett. I am very glad to be here with Madame for I feel that I am a comfort and of use to her. I also consider it a great

privilege to be allowed to witness the marvellous way in which this book is

being written. Madame sends much love to you and Mr. Sinnett and she hopes you will pardon her for not writing. May this New Year be a happy and prosperous one to you both is the sincere wish of


                                         Yrs. very sincerely,


                                                        CONSTANCE WACHTMEISTER.

Do not trouble to answer this letter but write instead to Madame for she loves

getting nice letters though she cannot now answer them.






                                 29th Dec.


I feel that I have no right to offer you any advice, but as we all have at heart

the welfare of the one and same cause I hope you will not think it interference

on my part, or mind my telling you a few thoughts which have come to me since my stay here.

Watching Madame as I do every day writing her S.D. and seeing how thoroughly absorbed she is in her work, it seems to me a sad pity that anything should come to disturb her and I have often asked myself whether it would not be advisable to crush all these slanders against Madame with the supreme contempt of silence.

The more one attempts to refute the lies the more fuel one throws on the flames

and so the scandal is kept alive. I do in my heart believe that nothing would be

so galling to Messrs. Hodgson and Co. as allowing the whole affair to pass




—•— 269    TRIALS  AND  DIFFICULTIES   —•—


taking any notice of it. You see this very scandal gives them notoriety and

brings them into Public notice, they are comparatively an obscure set and if you

treat them as such and pay no attention to their accusations, well the thing

will be just a nine days wonder and then blow over to make room for something

else. You have been very good to Madame for you have been one of the few who have stood forth in her defence, but you see you cannot really make things clear for her, for the Occult laws are not yet known, and therefore I think it is far

better to keep silence. No quarrel or discussion can be kept up when there is

only one side to do all the talking, it must die out, and we Theosophists have

borne so much already I think we can bear this too. Very few people have left

the Society on account of this scandal and those who remain are truer than ever.

In Germany the whole S.P.R. is very much ridiculed. Madame is now in a

philosophical state of mind and says she does not really care what they say of

her, she was annoyed about the Spy article for she feared it would prevent her

returning to India, but she sees the truth of what is contained in your letter,

and she thinks the whole thing had better be allowed to die out of itself.

The L. affair is very provoking coming just now, try and put an end to it as

quickly as possible and say to the Secret Committee that you are commissioned by Madame to say to them that if Miss L. has any REAL PROOF that Madame has wrongly slandered her, even though what she said was said privately in a private and confidential letter, still Madame would make her every apology—but the Committee must be fully assured of her (Miss L.’s) innocence first.

You see Madame must have peace of mind to enable her to write this book and it is only by ignoring or crushing scandals that this can be done. Madame sends you much love, she always speaks of you so gratefully and kindly, and she said to me the other evening that you had been a true friend to her and that she had a warm affection for you and Mrs. Sinnett—she said that you, the Gebhards and D. Hubbe are her best European friends. Madame entirely approves of all I have written for I have told her its contents, she is in a calm and peaceful frame of mind and is perfectly happy writing the S.D. May this New Year bring you and yours many blessings and may we at the end of it be able to say that we have been staunch and true and have loved the Cause better than ourselves.


                                                      Yrs. very sincerely,




P.S. Madame supposes that there will be about 100 printed pages every month in the S.D.










                             1st January.


Professor Selin brought Madame yesterday evening a nice New Year’s gift in the

shape of the S.P.R. book. You may imagine what a lively time we had of it.

Palpitations of the heart, digitalis, etc. I did not bless him for coming and

undoing my work of the last few weeks. He took it very philosophically and said

it was only right that Madame should know what it said against her. Madame

wanted to write off letters of protest right and left, but I have prevented her

doing so. I have told her that the only thing she could do would be to have

Hodgson taken up for slander and libel. That in the first place this would cost

money which she has not got. In the second place as all the jury would be

prejudiced against her, she would probably be pronounced guilty which would make things a thousand times worse than they are now. That if you undertake her defence that you will only draw down more accusations and the game of battledore and shuttlecock will go on until the whole thing becomes universally known. The only safe course to pursue is this I think, that you and Dr. Hubbe denounce the whole thing as slanders and lies, that the papers should be signed by every Theosophist and copies sent to all the members of the S.P.R. Ridicule and supreme contempt are our only weapons. The whole thing seems to me to be based on Mr. H.’s evidence and his very sagacious conclusions. How is it that he is infallible!


                                                         Ever yr. sincerely,


                                                                              C. W.



Private and Confidential.



                               1st January.


My note written to you this morning and sent to Franz Gebhard to forward to you, you will probably receive at the same time as this. We have had a terrible day and the Old Lady wanted to start off to London at once. I have kept her as quiet as I could and now she has relieved her feelings in enclosed letter. I repeat

what I said this morning, ridicule and contempt are our only weapons for the

scandal must be crushed if possible and at any rate we must not feed the fire.

If all Theosophists sign a protest treating the whole thing with contempt, in

the first place, there can be no reprisal if the document is properly worded and

in the second it has the good object of uniting us all more closely together



—•— 271    THE  SANCHARACHARYA  AND  THE  T. S.   —•—


in this time of trouble which is what we need. If we all keep true and firm

nothing can really hurt us. The enclosed will show you the immense importance of keeping cool and quiet and crushing the scandal if possible. I need not comment upon the result of such a Presidentship in India as the Sancharacharya—at the head of our whole Society.

As this news was sent from India with the command of the greatest secrecy, Col. O. begs Madame to tell nobody for the present. Her joy was so great however that she told me knowing that I am not one to violate a confidence—and now that you are in this great trouble I have told her that it was only right of her to tell you for I know you are a man the soul of honour, and I believe that this news will be slight comfort to you and help you to tide over the present troubles.

Think of the magnitude and the vast proportions and importance the Society will

in a few years have all over the world. Don’t get downhearted and rest assured

that you have the sympathy of all your friends.


                                                                    Yrs. very












                               4th January.


Many thanks for your letter of the 30th received this morning.

Madame is delighted with your proposition about the S.D. She thinks it is a most

favourable and satisfactory arrangement for herself, but she says the journal

must come out every month or if you think it better every three months, for if

she lives she believes so much will, be given to her that it will last 3 years

or more. The size of the Journal you can arrange as you think best. There will

be no regular preface, only about 6 or 7 pages addressed to the Reader to give

them an idea of what the book will contain, for otherwise they would be plunging

wholesale into matter entirely unknown to them. Madame will send you shortly the Title pages, and in a week or so the address to the Reader with first two

chapters. From this you will be able to judge of the general purpose of the

whole work. I wish myself that some clever theologian could be found who would read and criticise before the book is put into print. Do you know anyone whom you can trust. It would have to be a man deeply read in all these particular


Thank you very much for sending Phallicism. As soon as I





know the amount of my debt to Miss Arundale I will send a cheque for the amount.

Madame is much interested to find that “Phallicism” contains a few of the things

which she has already written out in the S.D., only given in a Jesuitical point

of view, and she intends to cut them up finely; it was in reading her

manuscripts that I saw the resemblance in some points and so was anxious that

she should see the book. Again another curious fact. Madame had written many

pages on the signification of numbers, and that the words Jehovah and Cain are

simply algebraical numbers, when she receives by post a book from Arthur Gebhard which he has found in America and sends it to her as he thinks it so

interesting, it corroborates and confirms all that she has previously written,

only from a mathematical point of view. The book is by Skinner. 3,000 rupees

have been as yet subscribed in India for the S.D. I write to Col. O. this mail

to let us know exactly the amount. I suppose many will have subscribed now

during the Anniversary. I will also ask how many the different branches will

require. The O.L. says you may do anything you please with her memoirs, she

leaves all entirely in your hands. She is terribly upset to-day, has received a

brutal letter from Selin telling her he resigns because he looks upon her and

the whole Society as a fraud, that he does not believe in the Masters and that

he thinks that “Isis” has been plagiarised from other books.

We are having a horrible time of it here. I thought Madame would have had an

apoplectic fit—but fortunately a violent attack of diarrhea saved her, but I do

weary of it all so much. I think sometimes my own strength will fail me,

physical not moral. It is a mystery to me how all this dirt and filth seems to

surround and oppress us. When all this has blown over if you go to America will

you kindly let me know just before you start for I shall have something I should

then like to say to you which will interest you much. My love to Mrs. Sinnett

and much to you both from Madame.



very sincerely,




Madame was delighted with the card and cried over it like a child, she also

thanks for the stamps.





                             11th January.


I hope you will approve of the accompanying paper, and that you will read it

aloud at the next meeting of the L.L. If you could get many testimonies similar

to mine, it seems to




—•— 273    A  CHELA’S  THANKS   —•—


me that you could make considerable use of them in refuting the charges brought

by the S.P.R. At any rate they would help considerably to restore the shaken

confidence of many in the existence of the Mahatmas, and tend to prove that

Madame has not been carrying on a systematic course of cheating for the last ten years as alleged by Messrs. Hodgson & Co.

I will add one more incident to my story which I know will interest you, but

this you must if you please keep private. While writing I came to the second

chela who visited us at Elberfeld, and this you must know was the chela who had to do with the Kiddle affair. I was on the point of writing his name when the

thought struck me that it possibly [would] be unpleasant to him to be brought

again before the public notice. I suppressed his name, as I did this I heard

plainly the words “thank you” behind me, and on looking saw the chela once more.

I had not seen him since those days at Elberfeld. Do not mention this for I

should be sorry to bring him into trouble again, but I feel sure the incident

will interest you. I intend also writing to Petersburg to Madame Jelihovsky I 

to add my entreaties to yours that she should send you all possible details

about Madame’s youth; the more interesting the book can be made, the more the

public will like it.

Not a word has been added to the S.D. since the 31st Dec., but if we can only

get a few days of calm and quiet I hope Madame will be able to begin writing


My love to Mrs. Sinnett,


              Ever yours sincerely,


                                           C. WACHTMEISTER.






                       15th January.


I send you the Russian pamphlet from Madame B. She says you may take anything out of it that you please and that if Mohini would go to Madam Novikoff she would translate it. It would be better to find someone else if possible, however, you will settle that to your own satisfaction. At last Madame has settled down again to the S.D.; a whole fortnight lost.

What did you think of my paper with the idea of collecting the experiences of

those who have had phenomena independently of Madame. In the Scottish Branch I believe there are some, also Mlle. de Glinker, a few curious facts. I do not mean when she and Solovioff saw the Masters—but other phenomena quite

independent of Madame B. Here the most curious phenomena


                              I    see LETTER No. CXXX.—ED.





take place every day when Madame is fast asleep, but as I do not care to mix any phenomena of a physical nature with the sacred name of the Mahatmas or even their chelas, I do not speak of them, besides they are not independent of

Madame, as she is in the apartment. I only tell this to yourself; not to be

repeated.Madame B. thinks all your arrangement about her memoirs a very good one and thanks you much; having taken again to the S.D. she cannot now tear herself from it again to write to you. The German T.S. is still alive, though entre nous very shaky, but certainly if this squall does not kill us nothing ever will.

My kind regards to you all,


                          Ever yours sincerely,


                                              C. WACHTMEISTER.

P.S. I have written both to Madame Fadeyeff and to Madame Jelihovsky and have told them how necessary it is for them to clear Madame B. from all charges

brought against her by giving all possible details about her youth.




To C. W.






              15/27 Jan., 1886.


Forgive me the long delay of my answer. My daughter’s illness as well as my

proper disease of health and mind—are my only excuses.

I am obliged to tell you, and ask you to kindly forward, or repeat this, my

answer to Mr. Sinnett—that I am not able to add anything to what I have already

written, about all I know of my sister’s doings or movements.

As for her childhood, I remember it but very little, being several years younger

and therefore having been bred apart from her and our youngest aunt Miss Nadejda Fadeyeff, who can indeed be a great deal more useful, in this matter, to your researches. Likewise in my sister’s lifelong travels about land and sea, her

only almost regular—mind the reticence—correspondent was this aunt and best

friend of hers.

For my part, I only am aware that all her life was a continual migration between

Africa, America and Asia—which certainly is known to her a great deal better

than Europe. In the far East, I suppose, were spent most of the ten years, from

1850 till 1860 -- that we rarely had any news from her. I, for instance, for

several years thought her dead and duly buried.



—•— 275    THE  “ RUSSIAN  SPY “  CALUMNY   —•—


Now, all that I have seen of phenomena, while Hellen lived with me near Pskoff

(from her return to Russia in the winter of ‘59) in my country house and lately

in ‘84 in Paris I have described minutely, and have nothing more to say: so I

pray Mr. Sinnett if he is willing and able “to fill up” as he says “the

deficiencies” of my writings, to do it in his name, not in mine.

That would not do, you see, as well for his sake, as for mine and Hellen’s.

English is well known and much read in Russia. My name and writings are also

known well enough. All addition to them shall be obvious and produce a bad


As to her being a spy of the Russian Government—it’s such a gross imposture, and nonsense, that not one sensible man in the world will pay attention to it, I am

sure. Her opponents must surely well know that this sort of trouble is well paid

for. If she had been in the service, she would not be obliged now, in her old

age and illness, to labour for bread’s sake. It is a monstrous calumny, and Mr.

Sinnett may well throw it in the face of her stupid enemies.

I beg you, Madam, to agree my most sincere regard and thanks for the friendship you feel for my poor sister. May God help her in her troubles.




P.S. Give the enclosed note to my sister if you please.



Letter No. CXXXI




                  18th January.


As Madame has sent her letter to you herself, I just add these few words.

     I am not at all so sure whether it would be advisable to publish in

Madame’s memoirs our different testimonies of having had communications from the Mahatmas (mine alone would be perfectly useless as people would only say that I was either a “Medium” or “psychologised”) whether in fact it would be advisable to bring their names into print at all. Sufficient desecration has already been thrown at them by the public. Is it well to give the public the opportunity of throwing more abuse at them. It is just like throwing out a red rag to an enraged bull and will only bring down fresh slanders and calumnies. It was right to gather these testimonies to restore the quavering faith of many Theosophists, but pray ponder well before you bring the Mahatmas names again before the public in connection with phenomena. Please read out to the Council these few words and see what they will say. Better have many opinions on such a subject than only





a few, because if it does bring fresh trouble all will have to suffer. My own

feeling is that we should keep the Mahatmas names sacred within our own Society and never breathe them beyond it.


                                              Yrs. sincerely,


                                                             C. W.





                 18th January.


Madame is very much delighted, because having just been told to open her Russian paper which otherwise she never thinks of unfastening until she is in bed at night, she finds a long article about herself and her childhood which you can

insert in the Memoirs, saying by whom they are written and that they are

extracted from accompanying paper giving date etc. Nobody then can doubt their veracity. I am glad you like my Appeal; before reading it out please add

following words which are underlined, they will make my meaning clearer. Mme.

Gebhard writes that she has sent you her testimony, also a letter from Professor

Coues saying that he can make the Astral bell ring—I have forwarded your letter

to Mme. Jelihovsky.

When I saw Dr. Hartmann in Munich he told me that you had never answered a

letter of his. I think this is a pity for though an eccentric man he is a very

earnest Theosophist and devoted to H. P. B. A few words from you would I think please him greatly and at such a crisis every effort should be made to keep

friends, they become such inveterate foes when turned against us. I am so glad

the O. L. is regaining her equilibrium of mind. Yesterday she was able to do

some good work.


                               Ever yr. sincerely,


                                    C. WACHTMEISTER.

Do you know what has become of Signor Damiani.





Will you be very kind and execute some commissions for Madame Blavatsky? Will you purchase for her four bottles of No. 3 medicine at Mr. Wallace’s, Oxford Mansions, Oxford Circus, and send the bottles here by post. Please do not tell the Wallace’s that the medicine is for Madame B. or mention my name in

connection with it. He has a most violent antipathy to her and has written to me

several serious letters warning me against her, so I have been careful not to

let him know that I am here or that Madame B. is taking his medicines with

decided benefit





to herself. Since last writing I have had a private talk with the Doctor, and he

says that her general health is better than it was last autumn, but that she has

such an accumulation of diseases within her that any day she may die suddenly.

Madame is terribly nervous about herself and once when I ventured to ask her if

she had made her will and if all her papers were in order, she got very angry

with me.Madame asks also if you will kindly get for her from Redway the “Vishnu Purana,” price 10/-. She cannot afford the other volumes, she begs that you will kindly deduct her debt to you from the money which is coming from America.

The Duchess gives a sad account of the French Branch. Are Christians less

Christians because there was once a Judas Iscariot and a Magdalene!! Immoral

Popes and Priests! Perfection is to be found nowhere.


                                    Yours very sincerely,


                                                                   C. W.





                         22nd January.


A telegram brought me here yesterday as our kind friends were anxious to consult me on Theosophical matters.

Being here I have talked to Madame Gebhard about my appeal. We have both come to the conclusion that it would be most unwise to put into print that appeal I sent you, namely my experiences, therefore we both withdraw our sanction to its being printed, but give you full authority to read it at the meeting of the 27th and show it to any Theosophists you please—but to no outsiders. I do not wish to give the name of my Master. M. Gebhard was with me when the scene I described took place, she says I had my eyes shut and she does not remember how long it took, we used to sit together every evening.

I return to Madame in two days.


                                                              In haste,


                                                                         Yr. truly,



   C. W.








                                     Jan. 26th.


My note written from Elberfeld will have surprised you, and now that I am back

again here and am able to assemble my thoughts


            I   This letter appears to be a copy in Mrs. Sinnett’s handwriting

of a letter from Countess W.—ED.





which have been turning in a whirlpool, I think it is only right that as you are


President of the L.L. that I should make you acquainted with the truth for your

future guidance. The only person to whom you may show this letter is Mohini, but before doing so he must promise you on his word of honour, that he will keep the contents secret; so much harm has come already of gossiping that I am obliged to take this precaution. When I came here in the beginning of December I found Babaji perfectly miserable, he said he was contemplating running away or committing suicide. I could see that he was wounded and jealous that Mohini was doing so much work in London, while he was comparatively speaking doing nothing and nobody. I was delighted with his teachings and as he had a Tamil and some other books which seemed to contain much that to our Western minds was perfectly new I thought it most desirable that he shd. have facilities for teaching what he knew, and so with Mme. B.’s consent, sent him to Elberfeld where they are all so anxious to learn. Personally I had great sympathy for B. and was delighted to think that we had now a chela here who could teach us high morals and ethics.Well a few weeks ago B. began by writing most insulting letters to Mme. B. so at last I wrote to him that I refused to hand her such letters any more; then I received from him a letter which was the letter of a madman in which he begged me to come immediately to Elberfeld or he wd. be lost, that the Dweller of the Threshold had come to him, that I and I alone could save him, that all the Gebhards could do nothing for him, that I on account of my psychic powers could help him, that he called on me as a sister, and that if I refused to come, that the consequences wd. be dreadful, and that all the Karma wd. fall on my head. Well knowing that Mme. G. is a sensible woman I wired to her “if my presence was really required”; the answer came “Yes.” I started at night, had a most anxious journey, wondering which lunatic asylum he cd. be put into etc. and when I got to Elberfeld my first enquiry was, “is he raving, is he violent?” Mme. G. looked at me with astonishment and said no “B. is quite well, he only wanted to force you to come here, because he said Mme. B. wanted to psychologise you.” B. received me with scoffs and jeers—and when I said to him “now B. tell me truly your trouble? I have come all this long distance to help you,” he said “what do I want of your sympathy! What do I want of your friendship, I only want to get you away from Mme. for I hate her.” I had a private interview with him and no words can describe the scene. He was no better than a wild beast with the most fiendish look of hatred in his face and finished by foaming at the mouth, he



—•— 279    BABAJI’S  FRENZY   —•—


knocked about the furniture to that extent that Mr. G. who was in the drawing

room below said he thought the chandelier would come down and every piece of furniture was being smashed upstairs; the upshot of all this row was his intense hatred to Mme. B. He said he would draw her life’s blood out of her, he wd. kick her out of the Society, that he wd. tear her to pieces, that he wd. write

articles against her, that he wd. send to the public papers in London, that he

wd. destroy the T.S. and wd. form out of its remnants a Society for himself

where he wd. preach only ethics. On asking why he was possessed of such a

violent feeling against Mme. B. he said firstly because she had desecrated the

Masters by connecting them with phenomena, and 2nd because she had insulted

himself several times, (and I say wounded his vanity). I thought at last that

the exhibition was sufficient, told him I was tired and then left him. We met

again at the drawing room tea table. B. was then quiet. I asked him to state the

charges he brought against Mme. B. and which he wd. publish, they are as

follows: -- that Mme. B. had written to some Indian that Col. O. had never

really seen the Masters, that she had herself pyschologised him to see them and

that later on when the Col. was shown this letter, for 3 days he was on the

verge of suicide; that Mme. B. and the Col. wanting money they had written a

letter in the Master’s name to some Indian, asking for money and promising that

if he gave it his sick child shd. recover—the child died, and the Indian was

furious; -- that Mme. B. wrote you a letter about Mohini and women in which

there were a few words from the Master M. and that naturally such a thing was

desecration. The Gebhards had agreed that in consideration of these charges,

with Hodgson’s report etc. they had determined to destroy the Society unless

Mme. B. made a solemn promise to never mix up the Masters’ names again with

phenomena, women, or common worldly matters, that, that must be done or either she must be turned out of the Society or the Society cease to exist. I said I

thought we had kept silent long enough, and that it was our silence and

screening what we believed to be wrong last year which had brought on all the

trouble. I then wrote the letter which you will find enclosed—also a paper to

Colonel O. abolishing the permanent fund etc. which we all agree should not

exist; to this paper the German Branch will add different reforms which they

think necessary and then the paper will be forwarded to you. Well I left

Elberfeld, but before leaving told B. that I had been brought to Elberfeld

through a lie, that I had never been so insulted in my life before, and that he

had done me a great injury—namely, that looking upon him as a chela who had been many years with the Masters, that I thought at least that he would have learnt to be truthful and





honest, but that now to see a chela preaching such a high code of morals and

ethics while in heart he was filled with duplicity, deceit and base passions was

to me dreadful.

The Franz Gs. worship him and they tell me I must not believe his words. I must

not look at appearances for when he says one thing he means another, but that

you know will not do in England, and now he intends to go to London he says to make reforms, he is going to set everybody right, he will do this and that and

if people do not obey him, he will burst the whole Society and then run back to

India. Now you see the danger, and my advice is—do not have him in London; but at the same time act very cautiously for he has a large correspondence and could really if he chose do what he says, because being a chela, people have the

highest respect for his word. B. was furious at my returning here to Wurzburg.

He told F. G. that Mme. could if she chose psychologise me to the extent of

committing forgery. B. told me that he wd. never return to Mme. B.—that he would prevent M. from doing so and that he had written to a 100 Hindus about Mme. B. and that he had written expressly to prevent any chela from coming here to replace me when I am gone; that he wished she wd. go to Russia and throw the S.D. to the dogs and then he could preach his philosophy in peace.










                                             28th January.


Many thanks for your kind letter. I quite agree with you that anything that can

be done to substantiate the veracity of past phenomena should be done to clear

H. P. B., but you see my testimony brings forth new phenomena and so naturally a new element for the Enemy to pull to pieces—besides which it seems to me that it is time now to hang a veil before the Mahatmas. I grant you that I think it was quite necessary that Their names and that phenomena should be brought before the Public, it was the only way of drawing their attention towards the Theosophical Movement. I acknowledge that many foolish and ridiculous acts were committed, but when I think of the enormous undertaking and its development by two foreigners without money I feel that I have no right to blame, for placed in the same difficult position I might perhaps have done worse. We are all of us in a most critical position and it is only by our united efforts that we can possibly pull through. I am perfectly willing to contribute my mite and am working heart and soul for the Cause. Let us wait



—•— 281    CRIMINAL  CHARGES   —•—


a month and see what development of existing difficulties takes place. If at the

end of that time you have sufficient testimonies gathered from other people that

you think it could benefit H. P. B. and the Cause to put them into the Memoirs

do so—only don’t put me en evidence but one amongst the number—for else I know quite well that I shall be seized on for dissection, called a Medium and

psychologised by Madame, an idea now implanted in peoples’ minds by Babajee. At the end of Febry., write and tell me what you think of doing and then if necessary I will get Mme. Gebhard’s consent.

One thing may interest you. Mme. G. recalled to my mind that last year ‘84 --

the chela had said that a chela would come to Elberfeld in winter ‘85. We

thought then that he meant in astral form.

I wrote to you so hurriedly the other day that I forgot to tell you what I

decided to do about Babajee’s grave charge that the Colonel and Mme. had

obtained money on false pretences in India from Prince Hurrysingee. This charge is doubly serious as coming from a chela, and so I determined that though I have often shut my eyes to little irregularities or at least what seemed to me as such, I have reconciled it to my conscience by thinking that as I understood so little about the Occult laws, I must not judge by appearances and that perhaps some day I should understand the real meaning; but Babajee’s charge is quite different, it is a criminal charge and can be punished by law (Fletcher’s case). Other supposed frauds were innocent and hurt nobody, but here a man is robbed and injured and so I have written most seriously to-day to Col. Olcott and have told him that his and Mme. B.’s word go for nothing in such a case—he must send me a paper exonerating them entirely from this base charge signed by the Prince and several other people; that if he cannot send me a declaration of innocence I leave the T.S. for I cannot remain in a Society where the Founders lie under the imputation of criminal fraud. I must see my way clearly and honestly before me and not blush to be called a Theosophist.

I do not myself believe Babajee’s odious charge, but he may repeat it to others

who will. Well, if such a fraud has been perpetrated, better that the Society

should be dead and buried; if Babajee’s charge is a false accusation, this will

be a lesson never to be forgotten that in a Society of Universal Brotherhood, no

member has the right to calumniate his brother or sister with impunity.

You as an honest man will I feel sure consider that I have acted rightly though

boldly. Why even Hodgson exonerates them from such crimes—and then a chela is to come and accuse them of the vilest act that can be imagined.





My only excuse for Babajee is that he was really a lunatic during my visit to

Elberfeld, even before, as his insulting and impertinent letters to Madame

prove. His old grandmother, a Sorceress, must have thrown a spell on him, but

when these fits come on he should be locked up for his words are dangerous.

Coming from a chela and one who preaches to others such high morals and ethics they act with double force.

If you have Babajee in London he will throw the whole Lodge into confusion and set all members one against another. Far better that he should remain quietly at Elberfeld where they all adore him; there he can write his ethics and be really

useful as he has given out some very good papers, which when Mohini has cut them into shape will serve for lectures. The contents of his Tamil books are most interesting and if he would only leave off intriguing and attend to his work he would be of real use.

As he wants to make reforms and refute some of the existing theories which have been given to us, I copy for you a letter written by Madame to Mrs. Gebhard. Read it to Mohini for it will interest him.

I thank you much for your warning about H. I will remember it, he must have felt

sympathy for me in Munich, for I am perpetually getting letters from him.

The S.D. has again been put on one side, no work for a fortnight. Babajee’s

doing—it is too bad. I wonder what will come next.



yours sincerely,






The other day Mme. B. sent a box containing all Babajee’s clothes etc. to him;

before doing so she looked over his possessions to see what there was amongst

them belonging to herself—there she found a book where she is in the habit of

having the important letters that she writes copied; amongst those which Babajee

copied for her are several from Babajee to his own friends, and being copied

into her book she considered that she had a right to read them, as were they

private he would not have copied them into her book. He speaks of the great

privilege it is for him to be allowed to live with her and that he shall never

leave her until either he or she dies  2 -- then he describes phenomena as

coming through her and his intense delight when it referred to him or when


I   This statement is in Countess W.’s handwriting.—ED.

2   It is interesting to compare this with Babajee’s own letters to H. P. B.—see

Letter No. 172 et seq.—ED.



—•— 283    BABAJI  AND  HATHA  YOG   —•—


he could get any communication from the Master through her, (he evidently did

not think there were elementals then). In every word he writes, breathes

affection, devotion and great respect and admiration for Mme. B. he says that

for another century such a marvellously cultured and admirable woman could not be found and he expresses again and again his gratitude and thankfulness in

being permitted to live with her. I Then comes the most extraordinary experience

in one of his letters—he describes the working of it during seven days and

nights—and could only Mr. Stevenson read it, he would see at once that his story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is founded on fact.

Mme. B. tells me as Babajee also told me when here, that he has had a great deal

to do with Hatha Yog, that he has lived several years among different Hatha Yog

Yogis in the forests.

Mme. B. also found amongst her books and papers of which he had the care a

manuscript on black magic written in an unknown handwriting—not his, containing most precisely all the formulas and the different mantras to be used. This she has confiscated as being too dangerous to be left in his hands.

Mme. B. says that Babajee’s Ethics come out of his Tamil books, some of them are good but others entirely false and in opposition to the Masters’ teachings; as

long as he gives these out to a few devoted Members the harm is not great, but

such a book published uncorrected might create great mischief. Mohini’s “Man” is very incorrect and misleading in many ways—and it is stupid to bring out books which will only have to be contradicted and corrected later on, therefore it seems advisable in the interests of the Society, that all manuscripts should

first be sent to Subba Row for inspection and correction.


I   I would like Miss A. to see this and then give her opinion—How has the great

change come? Why has it come so suddenly and unexpectedly? I have all the above

in his own handwriting.—H. P. B.





                                  1st February.


Your pamphlet is admirable, written with both verve and spirit, and I think will

scatter confusion in the enemy’s camp, for ridicule and sarcasm are so easily

blended with reproof that I think Hodgson’s vanity will be wounded to the quick.Madame is truly grateful and has sung your praises ever since, she thanks you heartily and will write another day. She has settled down on the first day of

the month to the S.D. All





January has been lost, next to nothing done, first Selin, then Babajee.

Enclosed is a card from Babajee. You see he writes in a humble spirit, and is

repentant, whether sincere or not I do not know. In his last letter he told

Madame that the reason he had accused her of trying to obtain money under false pretences, was because she had written to him to sacrifice her and save the

Society!!!! I really think he must be mad. Madame says that you must tell the

Arundales all, because if they have him to stay with them they should know the

truth so as to be on their guard against any further duplicity and also that

they should not foster to his vanity too much. I wanted to spare him this


humiliation but Madame says it must be. At any rate the Arundales need not tell

him they know. Enclosed is a letter from Madame Jelihovsky, not of much use as you see. Solovioff has told her that he has left the Society because it is

anti-Christian, so Madame J. writes to Madame B. that no wonder she is

tormented, it is all the devil, she entreats her to give up the T.S., and says

she will get her a good income if she will only write articles for Russia.



 Yours sincerely,



                 C. W.





                                      6, LUDWIG STRASSE, WURZBURG,





Your very sensible letter of the 31st. has just reached Madame. We both of us

entirely agree with all you say. There is only one sentence which puzzles me,

that “Mohini will have to be forbearing with Madame for a while when he joins

her”—why so—what has she done? She will be forbearing to him I know for she is very fond of him, though she thinks that he has acted foolishly. My intention was to remain with the O.L. to the beginning of March, about the 10th or 12th, but if you think it advisable for Mohini to come sooner, send him for I am ready to leave any day. The O.L. is weary to death with ennui and no wonder, for life is monotonous here, but I tell her that she will have to bear it, for as India and London are at present closed to her, I do not well see where she would be better off. Besides if she has constant society, how is she to write. Life is a hard problem to some people. As far as Babajee is concerned, I wrote to you yesterday to use your own discretion in telling of his behaviour to those whom it may concern, only beg them to keep it secret for as he is now repentant I should be sorry to humiliate



—•— 285    H. P. B. ‘S  ENEMIES   —•—


him. In a Universal Brotherhood, one should have charity with each other’s

faults and failings, and I really believe he must have had a fit of madness. The

lesson he has had has been a rude one and I think he will be quiet for the

future. Certainly the theosophical path is strewn with thorns. Now please act

just as you think right. If you think Mohini should leave London at once send

him here. I am willing to do whatever you advise.


                                                  Ever yours sincerely,




P.S. Madame says keep silent on double chelaship as that is the only hold we

have on Babajee.



Private and Confidential.



                        7th Febuary.


Many thanks for your kind letter of the 4th.

I must write to you another day about the “Eumonia.” We are having terrible

squalls here these days and at present Madame is strongly against having her

Memoirs published during her lifetime. All her family are against it and they

worry the very life out of her; they fear so much that her enemies may revive

old family scandals and quarrels and that they will have to suffer for it. I

tell Madame that you can at any rate write these Memoirs and let her see and

correct them, then not publish them until an opportune moment comes either

before or after her death; to this she turns a very willing ear but adds “poor

Sinnett he would be losing all his time for nothing.” Now what say you to this?

Your pamphlet was such an excellent one that perhaps it would be as well to rest

on that and if possible let the Hodgson affair die out quietly, saying always

that you are writing the Memoirs—that they are only delayed etc. etc. During the

short time I have been here attacks have been showered down on Madame from all sides.

It seems to me incredible how one person can have so many bitter enemies, I suppose it is in a great measure because she lets her tongue run wild wounding

people’s susceptibilities without meaning it or thinking of the consequences.

Certain it is that her Master told her that if she consented to live she would

have bitter trials to go through and all would turn against her, but seeing what

I see and knowing what I know, I believe there would be positive danger in

bringing out her Memoirs this year. I will remain here until the 12th March and

then I go to Elberfeld for a





few days and then on to Sweden. I return home earlier this year so as to be

present at my son’s coming of age, he is at the University now.

I wrote a letter to Miss Arundale the other day which I begged her to show you.

Do use your best influence to make Babajee sign that paper, it is the least he

can do after his cruel accusation of fraud against the Founders. It would be a

safeguard in the future in case another fit of insanity came on. Tell him that

if he signs that paper I forgive him freely his conduct to me and will do my

best to make matters smooth for him everywhere. I only long for peace and

quietness but his conduct at Elberfeld was such that I was compelled to act for

there was danger to the Society, but I think that he will not easily forget the

lesson and will remain subdued and quiet and attend to his own work where

certainly he has got a sphere of usefulness before him.

Don’t trouble any more about the two D.N.’sthere are two—but there is also a Mystery. Unfortunately my tongue is tied. Probably if all were known Babajee

would go mad or commit suicide. D. N. is his mystery name as I suppose it might also be the name of 20 more—that has nothing to do with it. I hate mysteries as much as you do, but I must have patience and you must have patience. Some day you will know all for Madame has told me that at her death all that she has ever received from the Mahatma K. H. will be given to you, so you must please have patience, till then. Babajee is a chela, though not the high one he pretends to be. All chelas have terrible trials to go through and so we must have more patience with them than with common every day people. When you see all the transactions and all the papers, much will be made clear to you and you will realise that it is no easy thing to be a chela. I have learnt much in this short space of time in Wurzburg—and my reverence for the Masters is increased in seeing how tolerant and charitable they are in all their dealings. Let us go on having patience to the end, for the Society must and will flourish eventually.I do hope you will succeed in letting your house. Absence for a few months from London after all these worries and troubles will do both you and Mrs. Sinnett good.



   Ever yr. sincerely,


                 C. WACHTMEISTER.

P.S. Madame has just given me her letter to you to read. Smooth down things

between her and Mohini if possible. I suppose he sent her letter to Paris in

self defence, it was foolish, but try and avoid more rows. Don’t be alarmed at

her letter, all will go well in the end I hope. I do my best to keep the peace.



—•— 287    H. P. B. ‘S  SECOND  MARRIAGE   —•—





                     11th February.


I have today received the enclosed testimony from Lady Caithness. If you publish it Madame begs that you will suppress the “tears.” I wonder if you have received many testimonies from different people. The more you get the better.

Mr. Gebhard writes to me that he has shown his letter from the Master K. H. with a letter of H. P. B.’s of 8 pages, to a sworn expert in Berlin  I  and he says

in the most absolute way that it is not possible that the two could be written

by the same person.

Madame says that she can give you no more information about the steamer than

what she told you. The idea of old Blavatsky being alive terrifies her on

account of the phantom marriage in America—she says that she and everybody took him to be over 80, but he said he was much younger, and never having seen the certificate of his birth could not swear to his age, she only knows he was an old man. Now you know there are differences of opinion as to age, and a young girl of 17 looks upon a man of 50 or 60 as quite old, so that it seems to me in my own mind as just quite possible that he is still alive. Madame only heard of his death from her Aunt, nothing official has ever been known. You see it would not matter in the least if he were still alive or dead were it not for that

unfortunate American episode. They might end by bringing up a charge of bigamy against her. Mme. de M. declares that Solovioff has got his hands full of proofs and charges against Madame, this may be false or true as the case may be.

At any rate weigh the consequences well in your mind before you publish the Memoirs. I have been obliged to write to Mme. de M. twice lately in this sense “that she is irritated against Madame because she believes her to be trying to screen Mohini knowing him to be guilty.” I tell her that she is absolutely wrong in her conclusions that having seen the correspondence on both sides both Madame and myself believe him to be innocent of both intention and act, and that Madame cannot sign a paper of apology to Miss----- which would incriminate Mohini—because that would be bringing a false accusation on her part against Mohini whom she believes to be innocent—and so a lie. That I know from the tone of Mme. de M.’s letters that she believes Mohini to be guilty. To believe a man guilty, one must have proofs and facts of his guilt, these of course Mdme. de M. has, and so instead of writing letters filled with innuendoes and accusations she would kindly clearly state and in


                            I   See Post Letter No. CLXXXIII.—ED.




detail—the proofs and facts given to her which have made her believe Mohini

guilty—if these statements overwhelm the proofs that we have of his innocence, I promise on my word of honour Madame will sign an apology to Miss L. for all she has said against her. I hope I have done right. I believe myself so strongly in

Mohini’s innocence, he may have been weak in not putting an end to a

correspondence as soon as it assumed a compromising and tender character, but that is all. I hope you will approve of what I have done but the fact is Madame would have started there and then for Paris (do not repeat this) had I not taken things into my own hands. How it will all end it is impossible to say. But if Madame could sign an apology to Miss L. for what she said of her without compromising Mohini, it would be a good thing and perhaps prevent this dirty

affair from going into a Court of Law and saving trouble to many persons. If you can word such a paper, send it to me by return of post and I will get it signed and will send it to Mme. de M. Consult Mohini on the subject and tell him what I have done.

No more news to give you. There is only one thing I would ask of you and Mrs.

Sinnett, that is, that if you see my sister and nieces this spring, to say as

little to them about me as possible. Turn the subject to other things. I keep

them myself in the dark as much as I possibly can knowing that in their hearts

they are dead against my work.

You see we have all our own particular trials.


yrs. sincerely,


             C. WACHTMIEISTER.





           17th February.


I must add a few lines to Mme. Blavatsky’s letter which I have read, to tell you

that I fully agree with her that her position is a horrible one. Do you know

that ever since the 1st January, my first thought on waking in the morning has

been “what impertinence or annoyance will the post bring to-day,” and a feeling

of thankfulness on going to bed if there has been nothing, which is very rare.

Just imagine what a life to lead, particularly for one who is in bad health,

constantly suffering and has to write the “Secret Doctrine.” I tell you the book

does not progress and cannot progress with such constant persecutions. Also what is to become of Mme. B. when I am gone. When she left India, Leadbeater offered to accompany her, and remain with her, but yielded to





Babajee’s earnest entreaties that he might come to Europe. The January

Theosophist will shew you what his professions of devotion etc. were. Now he has turned traitor to the Cause, throws stones at the Founders accusing them of

fraud, and so naturally leaves undone the duty which he took upon himself and

promised to do. Mme. B. thought that Mohini would come to her after my departure as his letters have always professed the warmest attachment to her, but being now under Babajee’s influence, his latter epistle has quite a different tone to any of his former letters and he also begins to throw stones at her. If this is

the stuff of which Chelas are made I hope no more specimens may be sent to


I wrote to Mme. Blavatsky’s Aunt yesterday to tell her of the cruel position in

which she is placed and to beg of her to think of some solution to the

difficulty—for if she is left alone I verily believe some misfortune will


Do not think that Mme. B.’s letter is written to you in a passion for it is not,

but she is so tired and disgusted with all these slanders and accusations freely

launched at her from all sides, that I believe she will finish by doing

something desperate. Her affection and trust in you is unbounded, and it seems

to me that here in Europe you are almost the only true friend she has. Just try

for one moment and place yourself in her position; after so many years labour

for the Society which she created to find all the Theosophists either tearing

herself or themselves to pieces—then wanting to write this book, which is to

benefit the world by giving out truths hitherto unknown—and to find herself

literally unable to do it through all the wounds and contusions she receives

from all these stones so liberally shied at her from all sides, but the hardest

from those whom she has loved so dearly.

I shall soon leave this and be out of all these rows in my quiet home in Sweden,

but I think it right to tell you plainly how the position stands. All your

interests are bound up in the Cause, and so you must unravel the mystery and put a stop to these persecutions.



     Yrs. sincerely,



                          C. W.






                       18th Febry.


This morning’s post took you some nasty letters as usual, but Heaven be blessed at last I can send you a real good one which did the old Lady’s heart good, after all the dirt and stones which have been recently thrown at her. Mr. Judge has had ten






years experience of her phenomena and yet he does not cry out FRAUD like

Babajee. Mme. B. wants you to read this letter to him and Mohini.

I have been thinking that perhaps Mr. Judge can give you some testimonies to be

mingled with mine, Mrs. Gebhard, Lady C----- and others for the Memoirs, try and get as many as you can—do write to him!

Will you kindly find out what is the English name of Piazzi Smyth’s book—called in French “La grande pyramide pharaonique de nom humanitaire de fait, ses merveilles, ses mysteres et son enseignement.” Perhaps Mrs. Sinnett would kindly write to Madame about it for you have so much to do.

What do you say to Madame going to America, there, she would I think find

friends—and nobody would trouble her about the Hodgson report—and she would be free of all this web of entanglements, the M.L. affair, Paris persecutors and Babajee; she would I think be far happier there than here—the only trouble is about the S.D. there would be such delay in sending backwards and forwards.

Write if you think the idea a good one.



Yours sincerely,



                           C. W.






         23rd February.


Will you kindly speak very seriously to Mohini—and ask him if he intends coming here or not. Madame says she would not for the world force him to come against his will—but you see we must know how matters stand. Of course his life here would be a very great contrast to the pleasant comfortable life he is leading with the Arundales, but it is of course for himself to decide, he knows best what is his own duty.

If Mohini does not come, among all the Theosophists do not you know some lady in London who would come and spend a few weeks with Madame free of expense (this I know is always an inducement). It would have to be some one on whom you can thoroughly depend, not one who will worm herself into Madame’s confidence simply to go against her later on. If you do know such a lady let the proposal come from her.

Do not refer to this when you write please, as I have said nothing about it to

Madame. I feel so sorry for her—and cannot imagine what she will do without me here, all alone without a creature to speak to, and though her servant is most

good-natured, she has no head or memory and I have constantly to remind her what she is to do. Could Madame go out and get





about like other people it would be different but to be shut up in perfect

solitude in these three rooms is enough to drive her mad with her excitable

disposition. I pity her with all my heart.

I do hope you will be able to get rid of your lease. You must long to be away

from London with all these worries and troubles around you, but you see we all

share alike. Selin has now written to Von Bergen and is doing all the mischief

he possibly can. I hear he is going to London at Easter to try and break up the

L.L. so you had better warn all the members against him—for forewarned is


Col. O. is very happy over his Naeligranthan and the end of troubles, and a

little taste out of the bitter cup here would soon make him change his tone. One

comfort is everything must come to an end, so this strained situation cannot

last for ever. I hope we shall soon have tided over it.

I think Col. Olcott’s idea of bringing out two books a year instead of monthly

not a bad one, because then people cannot purchase a monthly No. just to

criticise they will think twice if they have to buy a large book.


                                        Ever yrs. sincerely,


                                                      C. WACHTMEISTER.






              LUDWIG STRASSE,



                              8th March.


We have just received Redway’s “Catalogue” and are surprised, indignant if you

please, to see that he advertises Mme. Coulomb’s book! As he has undertaken to be the Publisher for the Theosophical Society it seems to me very strange that

we should sell the works of our enemies. I find myself in close quarters, do you

not think that the book and name could be suppressed entirely in the next

catalogue. I should also like to make an observation about my little book. It

was published at 6d. I was told that was too expensive. I then reduced it to

4d., the publisher, Redway, gets it at 2 1/2d. I believe, and I see he sells it

at 2s., rather unfair I think because by that people will naturally think I want

to make money, whereas if the whole were sold at the price I have named, it

would not cover the publishing expenses.

As the chelas have agreed that Mme. Blavatsky is to be deserted and abandoned in her helpless condition when I leave her, I have determined to try and defer that

painful moment as long as I can, and so have given up my visit to Elberfeld and





other friends on my way to Sweden, and stay here until the 28th of this month.

In this way I just arrive in time for my son’s birthday.

I shall be curious to see in the Memoirs how you have inserted our different

evidences. You will be amused to hear that you have been flourishing in the

Swedish papers. A long article has suddenly appeared from an unknown

individual—giving a flourishing account and the whole history of the T.S. All

the Notabilities are mentioned, and you shine conspicuous among the number. This article has aroused great interest on the subject, and Von Bergen has received invitations from all sides to lecture on Theosophy. This is of course very delightful and charming, but I suppose the “Revers de la medaille” will soon show itself.

I have heard news lately which is annoying, viz., that Mrs. Going, her maid and

Mrs. Kingsford have lately been possessed by bad influences. They attribute

these persecutions to the fact that they have had some contact with Madame B.

and the Mahatmas. They say that Madame De Steiger was tormented in the same way before going to the East, and in consequence of all this I have been advised

very seriously to withdraw myself from the dangerous and unholy influence. I

have thought very seriously over this and have come to this conclusion. In

working for the T.S. we place ourselves under the protection of the Masters, and all goes well as long as we believe in them, but from the day when insidious

doubts creep into our minds (as happens to so many) the protection of the

Masters is withdrawn, and thus the evil consequences just related occur, and

more particularly so with those who have attended many seances. What remedy

would you suggest against this growing evil?


                                                             Yours sincerely,



      C. W.






                              9th March.


You know by this time that I have decided to stay here until the 28th so all is

safe until then. The Old Lady has her apartment until the 15th April. After that

my advice is that she should not stay here on this account. A Sanskrit Professor

here has received unfavourable intelligence from some Indians concerning her;

this Professor is a friend of Selin’s and together they might play her some

dirty trick were she left alone. For a short time nobody will know that I am

gone as I will keep my departure secret. My proposal to Madame is, that she

should come to



—•— 293    H.P.B.’S  INDISCRETIONS   —•—


Sweden on the 15th April and stay with me for two months; by that time you will

have let your house probably and then your scheme can come into play. Madame’s objections to my plan are these—the cold and the fear that she will get me into trouble with my relations. My reply is -- (1) double windows and Swedish stoves would keep her rooms as warm as they are here—and with heated railway carriages and steamers the journey could be got over in tolerable comfort -- (2) Until the 15th June I shall be quite alone as my son remains at the University and then has to serve his military fortnight before he comes home.

Madame’s mind however seems to be set on Ostend and certainly if Mrs. Sinnett remains with her the plan is a very good one, but I tell you honestly I do dread her being left alone, she must always vent her feelings in letter writing and

though since I have been here she has written much that I would have given

anything to throw behind the fire—I have saved her again and again from these

indiscretions. Only yesterday she wanted to write to “Redway” and give him a

piece of her mind about the “Coulomb pamphlet”—you see the danger—and so now knowing exactly how the position stands make the best of it. In her heart she prefers the Ostend scheme and in Sweden she certainly would be very dull. I

think she craves for a little change both of scene and society. Do not tell the

chelas or Miss A. all this please, keep it to yourself.

How thankful I shall be when a better time comes to us—but out of evil good

always comes—and this winter has taught us patience and perhaps also a truer

knowledge of self.

My love to Mrs. Sinnett.


                             Ever yours sincerely,


                                                    C. WACHTMEISTER.





                                                                   6, LUDWIG




                           12th March.


Madame Blavatsky has begged me to answer your letter, as writing takes up so

much of her time. She is all eager to get away from here and most willing to go

to England if you think it prudent for her to do so. As Madame never goes out,

the place selected is immaterial to her; you and Mrs. Sinnett must therefore

consult your own convenience on that point. If I may be permitted to make an

observation it seems to me that Ventnor is very far away from London and a long journey for you to go backwards and forwards. Do you know Westgate? – about





three miles from Margate, a quiet little place with detached villas everywhere.

The express goes there in less than an hour. Madame B. would give her directions at “Redways” and nobody need know that she was in England except you and myself.

Do not tell the Chelas for they worry her terribly. And for the present at any

rate it would be far better for her to have no communication with them.

If Mrs. Sinnett will really stay with Madame, I believe this will be the best

plan, and then your short visits will relieve the monotony and prevent the old

lady from feeling as bored as she does here. You see she has been accustomed to society all her life and this quiet inactive life with nothing going on around

her is dreadful to her. The apartment is paid for here until the 15th of April

and though Madame would like to pack up her things and be off at once I tell her it would be very foolish to throw away money recklessly like that—and that she had much better stay here until the 15th of April. If you decide on this plan

will you take a little cottage for Madame B.—she had better have her own

servants and avoid having anything to do with a landlady—that class of people

are always “gossips.” As soon as you have taken the house I will pack up the

furniture and books here, for as they will have to go by luggage train they will

be about a month on the road.

Please send me back the letters written to me by Madame B. when I was at

Elberfeld; also the copy of the one written to the Gebhard family.

What do you think of the following idea. In reading the first chapter I got so

confused over the “Stanzas” and the “Commentaries” that I could make nothing of them. Madame then wrote the former in red ink, the latter in black ink, and now they are far easier to comprehend as confusion of ideas is avoided; this has

suggested the following idea, that in the S.D. the Stanza should be printed red

and all foreign words of a separate colour, Tibetan yellow, Chinese blue, Greek

violet, and so on. It would be original, and prevent confusion.


                                                                Ever yours




      C. W.






                      13th March.


The English cottage scheme has been knocked on the head this morning by the

lawyer’s letter. It would be impossible to keep Madame’s residence in England

secret, for feeling dull



—•— 295    H.P.B.  MUST  NOT  BE  LEFT  ALONE   —•—


she would write right and left and everybody would know, then these lawyers

would send her insulting letters, if they did nothing worse, and she would be

quite capable of going up to London and having a personal interview to give them a bit of her mind. Had I not been here to-day she would have written to them direct—so you see where the danger lies and I am terribly afraid she will get into trouble when I am gone. I feel very sorry for her, but we all have to grin

and bear our own trials, and so must she.Considering all things, Ostend is the best place. The place is empty now and she could get an apartment very cheap—for 1 or 200 francs a month, the only thing is, she must not be left alone, if we want to save what remains of the Theosophical Society. If Mrs. Sinnett will only come to her next month perhaps later on some other arrangement may be made. Madame refuses to come to Sweden so there is an end of that. Do not allude to this letter when you write back but I thought it was only right to tell you exactly what I think, and to me there is positive danger to the Society in leaving her alone, for her great misfortune is that she continually writes letters which only bring down trouble upon herself—it is dreadful for her to be inactive and to be patient under injury.

You see it is her character and she is too old now to alter it. Just burn this letter please and act as you think best. I at any rate have told you the dangers of the position as I see them.


                                                         Ever yrs. sincerely,


                                                                              C. WACHTMEISTER.








                                  19th March.


The news I am about to give you will I hope relieve your mind of a slight

portion of its burden. I stay on with the “Old Lady.” My son writes to me that

the Sound is frozen and so much snow in the country that he fears that “Mary

Hill” will be too cold for me as the house has not been heated—during the

winter. He, therefore, advises me not to come to Sweden, particularly as he is

now very busy with an examination, so much so, that he will not have time for

any rejoicings on his coming of age, as he is studying from morning to night.

This being the case I have decided on deferring my return to Sweden until the

month of May, therefore between this and then much may happen and things may be looking brighter than they are now. Perhaps






your house will be let and then it will be less difficult for Mrs. Sinnett to

leave London.

At any rate let us look on the bright side of things because that is our only

way to keep up our courage and you know we are determined in our own minds that the Theosophical Society shall survive these troubles at any cost, it is the

only way to prove to our enemies that we are sure of our ground and have not

been taken in and are no fools as they delight in calling us, but that we have a

steady purpose in life and that no persecutions or trials will swerve us from

our course. It is the only way in which we can show our gratitude to our revered

Masters for all they have taught us. One of the first lessons taught to us when

we became theosophists was, that if we became workers in the Cause we must go through severe trials. Well! here they are! and let us be bold and face them,

let us all will that we will surmount and vanquish them and we shall surely do

so. Could not you get all the working theosophists together and talk to them

very seriously, and say to them that now is our hour of trial, and ask each in

turn whether he really feels true to the “Masters,” and if they all answer

“yes”! ask them why it is then that they do not all work together in unity and

concord. Speak to them really very solemnly, appeal to their higher natures, and

ask them whether they will not then and there take a vow to drop all personal

feelings and work with one will to the restoration of amity and peace in the

Society; then lay all the difficulties plainly before them, make one and each of

them give their views on the subject and then amongst you all try and decide

what is best to be done and tell them that if they only overcome within

themselves the very natural feelings of apathy and despondency, that then half

the battle is won already. I quite agree with you that lectures at the present

moment are useless, it is better to try and get hold of people privately, but do

not let the workers drop their work or you will find a great difficulty in

making them take to it again.

There is something so inexpressibly comforting in the thought that the Masters

are watching over us, and as your Master has said to me that every individual

act to help the cause is noted and recorded, so you may feel sure that every

effort on your part meets with His approval and that you will surely some day

get your reward.

I quite agree with you in wishing that the chelas were back in India, but until

the poor old lady dies and Miss Arundale is free to march off with her three

chelas in her rear, I fear we shall not get rid of them and all the troubles

they have brought on us. The only plan is to see if there is not some way of

diminishing the evils. In the first place tell me honestly please, is there no

possibility for Madame to make a private apology to Miss L. and so



—•— 297    PERSONAL  FEELINGS  MUST  GO   —•—


induce her to desist in her persecutions, which will go on indefinitely unless

something is done.

Had Madame B. at that time known that M. had written her nearly a hundred

letters in six months filled with idealistic sentiment she would never have

written as she did to Madame M. You see Miss A., Babajee, and Mohini himself had given such very different colouring to the whole affair, that only judging from appearances she wrote what she thought was true, and Babajee entirely approved of it. I had only just arrived here at the time and looked upon the whole thing in a very different light to what I do now—I have seen the letter which Mohini wrote to her after the disgusting scene in the wood, and that is sufficient to show that at any rate it did not disgust him.

Think it all over in your own mind and see if no compromise could possibly be

made. I would willingly go to Paris and try and bring Madame de Morsier to her

senses. I would even go to Miss L. if I thought any good to the Cause and

Society could come of it. Letters are dangerous and compromising but a personal interview might perhaps bring about satisfactory results. I have been told in a round about way, that she says she would be satisfied if Mohini returned to India—and if Madame made her an apology—for those words—both things reasonable in themselves if the matter could be so arranged. If you can see any possible outlet to this difficulty and that I can help you in it let me know.

Let us decide that all our personal feelings shall go to the wall if only we can

put an end to all this gossip and these persecutions.

Madame Blavatsky sends you her love, she seems pleased to keep me here, and we must make the best of our monotonous life here and hope that the future will

bring us happier and more peaceful times.


                                                Ever yours sincerely,


                                                                       C. WACHTMEISTER.


P.S. Apathy is like the measles very catching! Motion and energy are the only

really vivifying forces.

You want to see the “Master’s hand.” I can see it in the unexpected

circumstances which have enabled me to remain here where I was so sorely needed.

It was the same force which brought me here to Wurzburg. Though I had made other and pleasanter projects I felt this invisible force draw me here and I told Mme. Gebhard that I knew I must come, and with tears in my eyes told her I also felt and foresaw all the troubles and trials which were coming down so thickly on me.

I felt them like a heavy dark cloud overshadowing me. This same invisible force





drew me to London in ‘84 -- where I met Mme. Blavatsky for the first time. I

left Sweden most unexpectedly, at one day’s notice, the opportunity arrived in

an unforeseen manner. I knew then, as I know now that it was the Master’s hand, though it was only three months later that I knew why I was brought to London. I have perfect confidence in my Master and I know that when ever He wants my services the way will be cleared for me.

Mme. B. wants me to go to London for a few days, she is afraid that the chelas

will split up the L.L. into two factions, I think myself that my presence would

only make matters worse. What say you? tell the truth!


P.S. Do not tell the Chela party that I stay on here, they have deserted Madame

in her hour of need, and so they may remain in ignorance.






             28th March.


Many thanks for your long and admirable letter which I am very glad you wrote as it gives such a clear rendering of the whole position.

I had fancied that there were many earnest workers in the L.L. but as you say

there are but few—the present passivity cannot paralyse the working energies

that do not exist. You have not been idle at any rate and literature certainly

arouses the public interest in these Occult subjects more than anything else.

As you were unable to obtain other testimonies concerning the existence of the

Masters, you did quite right not to publish Madame Gebhard’s and my own

experiences in Madame’s Memoirs—because it would simply be bringing phenomena again before the public in a new form, giving them fresh incentives for attacking us all round and new victims on whom they may hurl their anathemas. Madame’s life is published as a vindication of her own conduct and when once it is out I think the wisest plan will be to let “phenomena” and all discussion on that point die away entirely as far as the outside world is concerned. I know for my part I shall never mention it except to those who have much knowledge and experience on these subjects. The Secret Wisdom Religion and the philosophy, is all that can be given to the public.

We have all of us had a very hard winter but you have worked indefatigably and

certainly without you the L.L. would have melted into thin air. You are the soul

and life of it, and we must live and hope for better times.





I hope that the exchange of letters will be effected, it would be a mercy to

have the business settled. Do not refer to this letter when you write.


                                                       Yours sincerely,



 C. W.

I hope Madame will live to write the S.D. The doctor here does not seem very

hopeful of her case. She is very nervous about herself and her health now is her

great preoccupation.





             13th April.


The sad news from the Gebhards has reached us today. I feel so much for them all in their trouble that I cannot turn my thoughts to other things and so can only

just thank you for your kind letter and tell you that H. P. B. is occupying

herself with her Memoirs. If they are to be published now I certainly agree with

you that they should be made as complete as possible and am using all my

influence with Madame to make her write as much as she can. I have an ally here

in Dr. Hartmann who is also of the same opinion. It seems that he also had had

an idea of once writing H. P. B.’s life, and has collected some material which

he will if you please send to you. We both think Mme. Jelihovsky’s account is

wonderfully dry reading—and that it should be interspersed with a little flowing

language. Something in the style of Ghostland, a book so interesting that when

you take it up it is with difficulty that you put it down again, or even Lord

Bulwer’s life, thrilling incidents told in a thrilling way. You see there is a

halo of romance round Mme. Blavatsky and if her life is put before the public in

a matter of fact way, the ideal Mme. B. will be forever lost.

If you want to run after the scientists you are running after a shadow. But if

you want to create an enthusiasm in the minds of your readers concerning her and the system of thought advocated by Theosophy, the book should be written in a style touching not only the intellect but also the heart, offering at the same

time nutriment to the imagination—but I am letting my pen run away with me.

The enclosed is a copy of a letter sent to Babajee—Madame attributed Walter’s

death to him—it is too horrible!!

Dr. Hartmann says if he can help you in any way with the Memoirs he will be very pleased to do so. He is now very much occupied with his books which are all to be published at





Redways. I find that he has great occult knowledge and he is a man replete with

common sense.

Madame sends you her love,

                                                               Ever yours







 I  Transcribed from a copy in the handwriting of Countess W.—ED.

To Babajee.

ON Saturday—April the 10th, Walter Gebhard was found dead in his bed, having shot himself without any reason and no cause, his things packed up and ready to start home. The fiends of rage, of vindictiveness, malice, and hatred let loose by you in their home have fastened on the poor boy you boasted to influence so forcibly, and have done their work. It is not his twin brother who committed suicide five years ago who influenced him. Herman’s astral form is in Deva Chan, sleeping to the day his natural death would have summoned him. It is a host of the Pisachas of murder and post mortem criminal impulses who, copying from the record in the astral light around him of his brother’s kind of death, led him to shoot himself during a state of somnambulic unconsciousness and irresponsibility. He is the first victim of your wicked father’s son, and your

grandmother’s worthy grand-son.

A letter from Masters would have warned them to keep Walter away from his home without saying any reason for it—and the Gebhards would have obeyed the advice, bad they not been made to believe, by one whom they regarded and revered as a chela of Mahatma K. H. who lived ten years with him—as I found out too late about them—that “no Mahatma would bother Himself about the sons of Theosophists, caring little whether they lived or died,” etc.; and that, with hardly any exception—all the notes and letters received by them from the Masters were the productions of elementals—at best—H. P. B.’s fraud occasionally.

To this you will reply that you have not killed Walter consciously. No! But he

is killed nevertheless through you. The conditions that surrounded him

psychically—his twin nature with his brother, who committed suicide under the

very same conditions; his great sensitiveness and receptivity made and helped

the internal fiends evoked by your savage outbursts of rage and hatred to fasten

upon him—the first one. May your karma bear fruit.

Mr. Sinnett writes in despair: “Mohini used to attract all



—•— 301    FOOLISH  CREDULITY   —•—



the theosophists [to] Elgin Crescent—and now they have nearly all dropped off

from doing this; . . . I think he and Babajee together are ruining the


Theosophic movement here.” He says he is helpless and the L.L. is going to pot.

The German Society died owing to what you said to Hubbe Schleiden about the two notes received by him. The Society being ready to die, two or three months

longer of agony will not save it. The fools who listen to a chela of Mahatma K.

H., and were made to believe that the Master had turned away from me—will reap the fruits of their credulity or—made to choose between yourself and me. They will shake us off both—most likely when they learn the whole truth. However, they may open their eyes and see it in the light of the proofs I have. I will play my last card if you please—you were offered friendship and alliance, you preferred reigning alone—it is your own choice and since you are against Mr. Sinnett there’s an end of it. I will be in London before you expect me.



                             H. P. B.




I am very much astonished to see from some accounts that have reached me of

late, that you have become quite cranky. Ask Miss A. to get some very hot water and have yourself baptised when I come to London, and I will stand your



                                                           Yours truly,





P.S. If anyone asks anything about me, you may tell them, that if I ever had any

doubts about H. P. B. and the Masters, they have all been cleared up forever by

something that happened this morning to me.



        Yours, H.


I remain a few days with H. P. B. and the Countess, we often remember you and

wonder about the result of your Ethics.







         6, LUDWIG STRASSE,



                               20th April.


Madame Blavatsky has received this morning your letter of the 18th, also the £50

and thanks you much for the trouble you have had in getting it for her.

Babajee’s conduct is very annoying, and certainly if something





is not done he will carry out the threat made to me, that he would destroy the

London Lodge by breaking it up into factions. Madame Blavatsky says the best

remedy to this evil would be if Colonel Olcott were to write and tell Babajee

that he must either leave the T.S. or else work in unity with yourself and the

Doctrines; she hopes that you have written to Colonel Olcott to this effect.

Madame says that she is quite willing to come to London and use all her

influence with Babajee and Mohini to try and bring them round to a better state

of mind. Madame Blavatsky would leave this about the 8th and arrive in London

about the 10th or 11th, but should she come there it would be quite necessary

for her to take a lodging on the ground floor, as she can no longer mount

stairs. She would bring her maid with her and would also travel with Miss

Kislingbury who has just come here on a visit to her and would return to London

at that time. Madame B. only fears that her visit to London may bring her into

trouble either with the lawyer or with Miss L., for though she would of course

keep it secret, still directly Babajee knew that she was there, he would tell

everybody in the hopes of driving her away.

Will you kindly think over this plan and write and say what you would advise.

If it is advisable for Madame B. to go to London, the opportunity of having a

travelling companion would be a boon to her, but pray write and tell us how the

M.L. affair stands at present, if there has been any new development in the case

since last you wrote.

The second part of the Memoirs is far more interesting than the first, Madame

Jelihovsky’s narrative being simply a bundle of dry facts.

Have you asked Dr. Hartmann to send you his manuscript? On small points, he is very sensitive.


                                                          Ever yours sincerely,








                          26th April.


The enclosed disgusting “burlesque” I have been careful not to show to Madame B.

Her plans at present stand thus: that she leaves this on the 8th May and travels

slowly to Ostend. You I hope will be able to run over and see her there, and

then together you can settle what is best to be done, talking is so much



—•— 303    THE  T.S.  THROWING  OFF  ITS  LINGA  SARIRA   —•—


better than writing when it is so easy to misunderstand each other. The Master

says that the Society is throwing off its linga sarira and it depends upon

whether the whole body has the strength to get rid of it. Whatever comes or

whatever may happen I remain true.

Wishing you every success to your novel and begging you will not take up your

valuable time in answering this letter.


                                                          In haste,



 Yrs. truly,


C. W.



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